Ten Reasons Why Everyone Needs to Start a Blog in 2022
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, I don’t want to start blogging now because it’s too early and I haven’t even thought of my content yet! And I don’t even have a name or theme yet either! And I don’t even know how to start blogging! And if I do start blogging now, who will read it? And why would anyone want to read about me?

Blogging is easy
While blogging may seem like something only techies or marketing gurus do, anyone can get started. You don’t need expensive software or professional design skills. Most people use free services like WordPress and Google Drive to build their sites, and there are tons of free fonts and tools out there. If you have an idea for a post, start writing it! Editing your work can wait until later.
The internet will continue to grow
Internet usage will continue to grow, with 80% of US adults using it by 2022. This growth is both positive and negative: it means that more people than ever before will have access to information (and disinformation), but also that privacy concerns will become even more pronounced, as more people connect personal devices and profiles with their workplace accounts.
You learn new things by blogging
The more you know, the more valuable you are. Writing can make your brain work faster and better. There’s no easier way to become an expert on almost any topic than writing about it. It’s also great for learning how different people think and what they have to say—which is something worth doing if you want to understand people and be successful at business. And don’t underestimate how much fun it is just spending time thinking about something that interests you; by blogging, you get paid for it!
Community support when starting a blog
If you’re looking for support when getting started with blogging, you should know that there are thousands of communities out there that can help you. From Facebook groups and YouTube channels to Reddit boards and forums, you can get tons of opinions on different aspects of blogging—and pick up some new skills along the way. These communities aren’t just good for beginners; they’re great resources for established bloggers who are working on their next big piece.
Networking and social media possibilities
It’s never been easier to network online, but social media can provide such an overwhelming quantity of options that it’s difficult for businesses to decide where their efforts should be focused. Setting up a LinkedIn profile or following other users on Twitter is like putting out a net—but which fish are you trying to catch? Sticking with one platform will limit your reach, so now is as good of time as any to get your feet wet across multiple networks. One way you could do so without investing much extra time would be by joining groups on Facebook and LinkedIn where you share links and collaborate with people who have similar interests.
Receive advertising income from your blogs
You can start earning money with your blogs through Google AdSense, affiliate marketing or sponsored posts. These methods are relatively easy and fun. The basic difference between these three is that with Google AdSense you earn money by having visitors view ads on your website and they pay you when they click on an ad. Affiliate marketing works like any other business: you refer someone to a product or service and if they purchase something, you get paid a percentage of that sale.
Boost your job prospects
Starting your own website is like adding another bullet point on your resume. Employers and recruiters are looking for self-starters, entrepreneurs and thinkers; they’re looking for people who can get shit done. Starting a personal website shows you have ambition, you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone and that you have drive—and it shows them how you execute those qualities.
Get better at writing, faster
One of the most common pieces of advice for would-be bloggers is that they need to write every day. It’s sage wisdom, but it doesn’t mean much if you have zero idea what your topic should be. Before you can write a daily post, you need to build up your content muscles by writing often and on multiple topics. You could start by contributing guest posts or newsletter pieces.
Control how you present yourself online
Online presence is quickly becoming as important, if not more important, than real-world presence. Whether you’re applying for your dream job or seeking out friends and business partners, having an online presence is essential. And since everyone knows that first impressions count, why would you use a dated platform? In 2020, it won’t matter whether you have an active Facebook profile or not; it will matter whether you have an active website where people can learn about you!
Share your story with the world
If you have an interesting story, try sharing it with other people. If enough people find it compelling and share it, your story could go viral. By 2020, more than half of Internet users will be logging on from mobile devices. This means more opportunities for your content to reach an audience that’s interested in seeing what you have to say about things like health and fitness, parenting, pop culture or anything else that might interest them.